Jai Kartar is the spiritual name of Cybelle Fechine. She is a lifelong student, always seeking and evolving. She began her personal growth path with the Kundalini Research Institute a decade ago, diving deep into kundalini yoga teachings, self-awareness, neuroscience, and transformational work. After being diagnosed with emphysema and fighting a crippling addiction to cigarettes, she found herself drawn to the deep breathing techniques from the Kundalini Yoga tradition and healed her addiction while taking Teacher Training with Deva Kaur at Yoga Source, Coral Springs, FL. She continued to learn, teach and practice these techniques that healed her lungs. She went on to finish all Level 2 and Level 3 Trainings with KRI and is currently entering the Aquarian Trainer Academy to become a KRI Lead Trainer.
Jai is also a Licensed Massage Therapist and she offers many healing services at Sat Nam Wellness. Her specialty is a combination of massage, energy healing, cranial sacral, numerology and love to help her community heal from past wounds that get stored in the physical and energetic bodies.
Jai is also an energy artist and she does energy readings and healings through abstract paintings.
She is currently engaged in growing the conscious community in the Orlando area as well as growing awareness to her nonprofit program (Generation Meditation) teaching yoga to underserved Haitian children living in sugar labor camps (bateys) in the Dominican Republic.
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You can reach Jai/Cybelle anytime by text via 407 227 2721
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